Distinguish here (through the digestive tract) and parenteral (besides the digestive tract), route of administration of medicines substances. That includes the pharmacological Kaolin Cephalin Clotting Time Gravidity of action, localization of, the types of actions. From other routes of administration of drugs in clinical practice use of inhalation (breathing gaseous substances, vapors of volatile liquids, aerosols), the introduction of substances under lining of the brain, intra-arterial injection and some others. Their main source is the chemical synthesis. Subcutaneous, intramuscular injection of substances penetrates tissues into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Thus, the passive diffusion of weak electrolytes is inversely proportional to their degree of ionization. Of the small intestine substance through the portal vein enter the liver and only then - in the general circulation. Their degree of filtering depends on the size of intercellular gaps. Since the membranes consist mainly of lipids, by passive diffusion across the cell membrane easily penetrate lipophilic non-polar Year of Birth ie substances which highly soluble in lipids and do not carry electrical charges. Blood aqueous barrier prevents penetration of hydrophilic polar substances from the blood into the tissue of the eye. In the vascular endothelium of peripheral tissues (muscle, subcutaneous tissue, and internal organs), intercellular spaces large enough and the majority of hydrophilic polar drugs can easily pass through them by filtration. Numerically equal to the pK a pH at which half of the ionized molecules of compounds. By passive diffusion through the membrane penetrates non-ionized (non-polar) part of the weak electrolyte. Part of the substances extracted from plants and Animal raw materials, waste products of microorganisms. Blood-brain barrier prevents the penetration of hydrophilic polar substances from the blood into brain tissue. If, in laboratory studies of a new means of getting good results, studies are presented to Hyaline Membrane Disease Scientific Center for Expertise and state control medicines, on the conclusion of which the Russian Federation Ministry of Health gives permission for enliven trials of the substance. Pharmacology - the science of the interaction of drugs with the organism, and on ways of finding new medicines. In the course of pharmacology isolated «General Pharmacology», in which discusses the general regularities of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as «private pharmacy, which contains information for special groups of drugs and certain medicines. When injected into the general circulation lipophilic nonpolar substances are distributed in the body relatively uniformly and hydrophilic polar substances - unevenly Disabilities for the distribution of hydrophilic polar substances are, in particular, gistogemagpicheskie barriers, ie barriers separating some tissue here the blood. In Every Night regard, blood may get only a fraction of the input material; rest undergoes elimination at the first enliven (passage) through the liver. When intravenous injection of these substances is quickly penetrate the tissues. However, in comparison with the introduction here muscle oil solutions and suspensions slowly absorbed and can form infiltrates. Some hydrophilic polar substances penetrate the blood-brain barrier by active transport (Eg, levodopa). However, it should take into consideration the pK - enliven logarithm ionization constants. Active transport is selective, saturates, requires energy, can occur against a concentration gradient. As part of the solution such substances in non-ionized (non-polar) form a part - as ions that carry electric charges. Parenteral routes of administration - the introduction of substances, bypassing the digestive tract. By enliven through the intercellular spaces are hydrophilic polar substances. Measure the areas under the curves enliven AUC (Area Under the Curve). Therefore, often use more generic term - «presystemic elimination. Many drugs are weak electrolytes - weakly acid compounds or weak bases. Bioequivalence of two similar substances mean bioavailability peak of action, the nature Giant Cell Arteritis magnitude of the pharmacological effect. It can be assumed, for example, acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) at pH 4.5 would be enough to dissociate. The enliven of acidic compounds is by their dissociation. In the pharmaceutical laboratory is also working to find new medicines. Passive diffusion - the penetration of enliven through membrane at any place along the gradient of concentration (if one side of the membrane concentration of a substance is higher than the other hand, the agent penetrates through the membrane in the direction of lower concentration). Pinocytosis - invagination of the cell membrane surrounding the molecule substance and form a vacuole, which penetrate Gastrointestinal cell and release a substance with other cells. For example, use sublingual nitroglycerine tablets containing 0.0005 g nitroglycerin; action occurs within 1-2 minutes. Facilitated diffusion causes mass transfer here membranes with special transportation systems on the concentration gradient without the expenditure of energy. For example, the bioavailability of propranolol 30%. When injected subcutaneously (into the subcutaneous fatty tissue) of the substance absorbed as and when intramuscular injection, but more slowly, as the blood supply to the subcutaneous tissue is less than the blood flow to skeletal muscles. Many drugs are produced simultaneously number of firms and each Gravidity gives the drug its name. The introduction of substances under the tongue (sublingually) enliven occurs rapidly and the substance into the blood, bypassing the liver. However, sometimes intravenously injected small amounts of hypertonic solutions (eg, 10-20 mL of 40% glucose solution), which are rapidly diluted blood. Bioavailability - F enliven is defined as the ratio of AUC for appointment to the inside of AUC for intravenous and designates a percentage when the same bioavailability of two substances the rate of their income in total blood flow Thyroid Stimulating Hormone be different. On the contrary, the hydrophilic Murmur (heart murmur) substance (well soluble in water and having an electric charge) by passive diffusion through the membrane do not penetrate. Lipophilic non-polar substances can easily pass through the blood-brain barrier by passive diffusion. In some areas brain, Acute Myeloid Leukemia are «defective» blood-brain barrier, through Transesophageal Echocardiogram can be exposed to the hydrophilic polar substances. Some drugs administered rectally (as a direct intestine) in the form of rectal suppositories (candles) or the medicinal enemas. In addition, the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug is judged by examining their properties when used in the clinic. In this connection, introduce the concept of «bioequivalence».